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Sonic Wiki Zone
Sonic Wiki Zone

The Scorpion Attack[1] (尻尾攻撃 Shippo Kōgeki?) is a move that appears in Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut. It is a technique used by Chaos 6, wherein he uses his tail to attack.


When using the Scorpion Attack, Chaos 6 will quickly whip his tail forward to attack his opponent.

In gameplay, this attack is used during the Chaos 6 boss battle. Should the player get hit by the Scorpion Attack, they will take damage. This attack is only ever used if the player stays close to Chaos 6 for a long period of time, so this attack can be prevented from being used entirely by staying away from the boss.


  1. Sonic Adventure online. Knuckles tactical info: Chaos 6 Attack Patterns. Archived from the original on 31 May 2016.

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