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Sonic Wiki Zone
Sonic Wiki Zone

Crazy Rush (クレイジーラッシュ Kureijīrasshu?) is one of the Dark Chao Walker's special attacks in Sonic Adventure 2 and Sonic Adventure 2: Battle. When using this technique, the user fires an augmented version of the Lock-On Missile.


When performing Crazy Rush, the Dark Chao Walker fires two rapid and heavy barrages of yellow powered-up Homing Missiles, which will then pinpoint and rain down on their foe.[1] In gameplay, Crazy Rush automatically homes in on the opponent, and the missiles are nearly unavoidable due to the large amount of them that are fired at the same time. Unlike Laser Missile and Booming Missile, Crazy Rush fires two rounds of equally numbered Homing Missiles in succession during the same attack instead of one, making it twice as effective.

Crazy Rush can only be performed by playing as the Dark Chao Walker in the games' two-player mode. To use it, the player must press DreamcastB/SNNBGAMECUBEDISCO/Gamecube X Button after collecting twenty Rings. To use it again, the player has to collect another twenty Rings.


See also[]


  1. Sonic Adventure 2: Battle (GameCube) United States instruction booklet, pg. 11.

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