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Sonic Wiki Zone
Sonic Wiki Zone

The Were-Claw Charge is one of the Special Attack Skills used by Sonic the Werehog in the Xbox 360/PlayStation 3 version of Sonic Unleashed. When using this move, Sonic charges forward while slashing vividly.


When performing this move, Sonic charges forward while doing several quick and ferocious slashing motions in front of him with his claws, mowing down any foe in his path.

The Were-Claw Charge becomes available in the game when Sonic the Werehog's Combat parameter reaches level 10. To perform the Were-Claw Charge in gameplay, the player must press XboxY/PSTriangleButton while performing the Dash. In gameplay, the Were-Claw Charges pushes back enemies and leaves them temporarily stunned, allowing the player to attack them with more effective attacks.
